참고사이트 1 페이지

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Total 15건 1 페이지

참고사이트 목록

  • ETC 15 사이언스타임즈 378 12-18 사이언스타임즈는 과학기술진흥기금 및 복권기금의 지원으로 우리나라의 과학기술 발전과 사회적 가치 증진에 기여하고 있습니다.06097 서울특별시 강남구 선릉로 602, 5~13층(삼성동) 한국과학창의재단 
  • ETC 14 kotra 해외시장뉴스 331 12-12 전 세계 경제, 통상, 투자 뉴스를신속하고 생생하게!! 
  • Design Templete 13 Elements envato.com 261 12-12 Design without limitsElements opens up a world of creative possibilities for all your design projects.Powered by a community of talented designers, our subscription puts greatdesign in reach for everyone. 
  • Design Tools 12 OnLine Image Map Tool 316 12-12 Image-Maps.com makes creating image maps for your projects fun and easy with our powerful image mapping tool. Take your image mapping to the next level and keep creating till your heart is content. There are tons of features built in to create all ty . . .
  • Design Tools 11 Animate.css 349 12-12 Animate.css v4 brought some breaking changes, please refer to the migration guide before updating from v3.x and under.Animate.css is a library of ready-to-use, cross-browser animations for use in your web projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sli . . .
  • ETC 10 KoreaScience - 과학논문 검색 336 12-12 Welcome to the open platform for Korean scholarly publicationsKoreaScience is an open platform for Korean scholarly publications in science and technology fields, developed and managed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KIS . . .
  • ETC 9 국사편찬위원회 한국사 데이터베이스 312 12-12 통사, 고대부터 근현대사까지 희귀 고문서를 텍스트로 볼 수 있다. 
  • ETC 8 조셉 머콜라 박사의 건강 뉴스레터 358 12-12 조셉 머콜라 박사는 Mercola.com의 설립자입니다. 정골 의사, 베스트셀러 작가이자 자연 건강 분야에서 여러 상을 수상한 그의 주요 비전은 사람들이 건강을 관리할 수 있도록 귀중한 자원을 제공함으로써 현대 건강 패러다임을 바꾸는 것입니다. 
  • Design Tools 7 Tables Generator 288 12-12 LaTeX TablesEntering tables in LaTeX documents can be burdensome because of the necessary formatting directives. For this purpose we created this online generator which (hopefully) will allow you to generate LaTeX code you can just copy & paste i . . .
  • Design Tools 6 미리캔버스 246 12-12 저작권 걱정없는 무료 디자인 툴PPT, 로고, 배너, 카드뉴스, 유튜브 썸네일 등을 전문가 수준으로 만들 수 있는 국산 툴 
  • 3D Library 5 Free 3D models 240 12-12 Free 3D modelsFree 3D models available for download from car to humans 3D assets. Available in number of file formats including MAX, OBJ, FBX, 3DS, STL, C4D, BLEND, MA, MB. Find professional 3D models for any 3D design projects like virtual reality ( . . .
  • 3D Library 4 3dwarehouse.sketchup.com 318 12-12 Where great ideas get to workDesign delightfully. Collaborate clearly. Build better buildings. 
  • 3D Library 3 THE WORLD'S PREFERRED SOURCE FOR 3D CONTENT 244 12-12 The World’s Preferred Source for 3D contentCGTrader is the world’s largest source for licensable stock and custom 3D models. The self-service CGTrader Marketplace showcases 1,390,000 3D models and includes a managed community of 4.95 million users. C . . .
  • 3D Library 2 BIM objects for everyone. 280 12-12 Building a better world.We can’t go on building like we do today. BIMobject is on a mission to digitalise construction for a more sustainable future.We’re a global marketplace for the construction industry that provides architects and engineers with . . .
  • 3D Library 1 CAD Drawings, BIM Models & Product Specifications 227 12-12 Why CADdetailsWe want designers to specify new and innovative building products in their most coveted projects. We recognize that using a product for the first time can be risky so we go the extra mile to make sure our 3D models, CAD details and spec . . .
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